Let’s hear from our community

I was pleasantly surprised that I can fall asleep quicker than usual and I slept like a baby. - Zaid Zahari
I'm a busy mom, and RELAZZ helps me unwind and fall asleep faster. It's been a lifesaver! - Emily Brooke
I really love the convenience of the packaging. It is a tear-and-drink formula and I can take this whenever I need to, super convenient! - David K.
I'm just going to be honest and say that this helps me unwind and leave the stress of the day behind. I wake up ready to take on the world. - James Rowland
RELAZZ not only improves my sleep quality but it also boosts up my mood and reduces my stress and anxiety. It's like a miracle in a package! - Lizzy M.
I've been using RELAZZ for a while now, and it's like a lullaby in a sachet. Falling asleep is a breeze! - Michael
My sleep quality improved tremendously. My emotional health is much better! - Nurul
I've struggled with insomnia for years, but this product has made a huge difference. I finally wake up feeling refreshed. - Amanda Gilbert
I used to have difficulty falling asleep, but RELAZZ has brought peaceful nights back. Within a week, my mind has become sharper - Nisa
As a student with a hectic schedule, I can say that this product has improved my sleep and concentration. It's become my nightly ritual. - Olivia
I am so grateful that I found RELAZZ because now I am able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the whole night. - Daryl
RELAZZ's calming effect has significantly reduced my anxiety levels. It's become an essential part of my self-care routine. - Kelly
Stress used to keep me up at night, but RELAZZ has been a game-changer. It helps me unwind, sleep peacefully, and wake up ready to take on the day. - Farah
It has improved my sleep quality, beyond measure! I no longer have trouble falling asleep and I stay asleep all night! I wake up the next day refreshed and ready to seize the day! - Jumana R
It has been a game-changer for my sleep quality. I've been getting deeper and more restful sleep since I started using it. - Sarah Wilson
As an athlete, quality sleep is essential. This product has become my secret weapon for a good night's rest. - Jake
I've seen a remarkable shift in my sleep quality, focus, and energy levels with RELAZZ. My cognitive function has also greatly improved. - Ed
I used to rely on sleeping pills, but RELAZZ is a natural and effective alternative. I'm a fan for life. - Daniel
I used to toss and turn all night, but RELAZZ's soothing blend makes me drift off peacefully. I love it! - Lily Harper
RELAZZ has made falling asleep a breeze. I wake up feeling rejuvenated and focused throughout the day. - Jeanne
After using RELAZZ for a month, I've noticed a significant increase in my morning energy levels upon waking up. My ability to focus during meetings and work has also greatly improved. - Mimi
This is the real deal. It relaxes my mind and body, helping me enjoy a full night of uninterrupted sleep. - Mia
I can't believe it is working for me! RELAZZ helps to ease my stress and grants me peaceful nights of sleep! - Jonathan
Since using RELAZZ, my sleep has improved tremendously. I'm definitely noticing great improvements whereby I am more alert throughout the day and my mood has been better! - Wilson
Sleeping better has helped me handle my emotions, stay alert and focus on handling my everyday life. It is all thanks to RELAZZ! - Lynda
It’s been a transformative experience. It's helped me overcome my restless nights and stay alert throughout the day. - Brian C
Improved sleep with RELAZZ has naturally lowered my stress levels. It's like a double win for my mental well-being. - Anson
I'm amazed at how it has positively impacted my sleep quality. It's truly a must-have for anyone with sleep troubles. - Grace
As a busy mom, RELAZZ has given me the gift of sound sleep. I feel more focused and my memory has improved too. - Alya
RELAZZ is my sleep savior. I sleep deeper and my mornings are brighter. It's a game-changer. - Chi Ying
I was skeptical at first, but RELAZZ exceeded my expectations. It's now a staple in my bedtime routine, and I recommend it to everyone. - Thomas
As age catches up, falling asleep was becoming a struggle until RELAZZ. Now, I fall asleep faster, enjoy quality rest, and wake up refreshed. The bonus? It's given a real boost to my focus and alertness too! - David
This is a gem! It's improved my sleep patterns, and I feel more balanced and focused because of it. - Robert W
RELAZZ's natural approach to sleep improvement has given me a more balanced life. My memory and mental clarity have never been better - Penny
My sleep used to be inconsistent, but RELAZZ has regulated my sleep pattern. I'm amazed by the positive impact on my cognitive function. - Fali
RELAZZ isn't just a sleep aid, it's a holistic wellness solution. My sleep quality, brain function, and memory have all improved. - Izzati
I no longer toss and turn at night, all thanks to RELAZZ. The better sleep reflects in my day to day life as I can see the improvement in the way I remember things. - Carlos
RELAZZ's stress-reducing effect has been a pleasant surprise. It complements its sleep benefits perfectly. - Dominic
RELAZZ has transformed my sleep routine. I fall asleep quicker and wake up refreshed. My days are more productive now! - Alice
Better sleep quality with RELAZZ has done wonders for my mood. I feel more emotionally balanced and mentally sharp. - Claudia
With RELAZZ, I'm sleeping like a baby again. The result? Improved concentration and sharper memory! - Andrew
Thanks to RELAZZ, I experience consistent, restful sleep. The benefits of the effects on my memory and staying mentally sharp is top notch! I couldn’t ask for more! - Ivan
Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to a brighter, more productive tomorrow.
PROBIOME restores the natural balance of bacteria in the gut.

Choose Your Package

1 box RM 239.00
SAVE RM 61 was RM 300.00
2 boxes RM 439.00
SAVE RM 161 was RM 600.00
3 boxes RM 599.00
SAVE RM 301 was RM 900.00
4 boxes RM 795.00
SAVE RM 405 was RM 1,200.00
5 boxes RM 989.00
SAVE RM 511 was RM 1,500.00
6 boxes RM 1,099.00
SAVE RM 701 was RM 1,800.00